Vision Statement
Revision History
Summary of changes
Original Issue
Initial Issue
March 2006
March 2006
Complete rewrite
Feb-August 2012
2013 Review
May-June 2013
2014 Review
May-June 2014
2015 Review
Oct-Nov 2015
Change number of reviewers of payments. Clarify Audit team role
July 2017
Add definition of "Active Member"
2020 Review
November 2017
Feb-Nov 2020
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church (NTCC) actively seeks creative ways to present the gospel to the western heritage community. Taking the gospel message to where these people interact outside of a church environment, as well as bring people into a non-traditional worship atmosphere.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church understands that the greatest of all spiritual gifts is love. Love expresses itself in the caring concern for others and the action it produces. How can we love God without caring for those God loves?
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church believes that doing the right thing is always right and exemplifies this by making every effort to be above reproach and also be beyond average. Therefore our integrity is one of the most recognizable values we share.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church seeks to build leaders. Through evangelism, lead the lost to Christ. Through discipleship, lead believers to fullness of faith. Through training, lead the church to missions. Through practice, lead a life of obedience to Christ.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church believes that being the body of Christ requires the participation of all parts of the body. Every member having unique gifts, talents and interests is an influence on the body.
Marriage is a biblical institution established by God as described by Scripture. We believe biblical marriage can only occur between one man and one woman. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church recognizes that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. Accordingly, NTCC, its pastors and staff will not participate in same sex unions or same sex marriages, nor shall its property or resources be used for such purposes.
The Bible teaches that legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage between a man and woman. Hence, Narrow Trail Cowboy Church opposes all forms of sexual immorality, including premarital sex, extramarital behavior, homosexual behavior, and pornography.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church exists to reach North Texas with the life changing good news of new life in Jesus Christ, using Texas music, singers, song writers and Texas heritage.
The vision of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is to establish and perpetuate a church with a ministry to the old west culture. To create a church family of individuals who have experienced the life changing effects of a relationship with Jesus Christ. We will put our faith into action by reaching out into the Texas Music and cowboy cultures to establish relationships with the lost and share with them the good news that Jesus died for them and is longing to know them personally.
We envision a family of believers committed to making a positive impact on our culture and community by standing for biblical principles.
We have a vision of creating a place where worship is an act of the heart, soul and mind; a place where the people we are reaching out to, feel at ease; a place of spiritual comfort for the weary; a place where those who have fallen find a hand to help them up.
We have a vision of establishing a place to teach the gospel from the pulpit, in the classroom and in the arena of life.
We have a vision of teaching life skills, ministry skills, music skills and cowboy skills in an environment that supports personal as well as spiritual growth.
Under the guidelines and leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ, we the members of the Narrow Trial Cowboy Church adopt the following constitution in order to declare and preserve the principles of our faith, the freedom of our church, and rights and responsibilities of our individual members.
The name of the church, meeting at 601 E. Plano Parkway, Plano, Texas and organized under the laws of the State of Texas, is Narrow Trail Cowboy Church.
The church is organized and maintained to fulfill the following Mission Purpose Statement:
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church exists to reach North Texas with the life changing good news of new life in Jesus Christ, using Texas music and Texas heritage so that they may become developing followers of Christ.
Worships God: Honors God by worshiping Him corporately, in both large and small gatherings and by maintaining private devotions
Lives by God’s Word: Understands the Bible as the ultimate authority for daily living and is involved in corporate, small groups and private Bible study
Contributes to God’s Work: Uses their time, abilities, spiritual gifts and finances for God’s glory
Connects with God’s People: Pursues Christ by honoring relationships at home, in the church, at work and in the community
Impacts God’s World: Reaches out to the lost and un-churched by praying for them, caring for and witnessing to them and inviting them to the Cowboy Church events.
This Church affirms the Holy Bible, the inspired word of God, as the authority in all matters of faith and practice. NTCC utilizes the New American Standard Bible in this Constitution and Bylaws.
Jesus Christ is the head of the Church; the true source of all that the Church is and does, and His glory is to be the objective of every act, function, and motive of the body, both individually and corporately. It is before Him that all the other leadership must bow. He communicates His will for the Church through His word, the Bible. He gives additional guidance by means of the specific leading of the Holy Spirit who dwells the heart of each believer. He calls forth leaders for the Church to whom He gives responsibility for the oversight of the church body and the shepherding of its members. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is run by Elder Rule.
The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose its membership. Persons meeting the membership requirements shall constitute the membership.
All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall exist to further the purpose of the church. They will be accountable to the church.
As an autonomous local church, NTCC is not subject to the control of any ecclesiastical body. However, it relates to and cooperates with the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches, the Baptist General Convention of Texas and other entities of like faith in sharing the gospel with the whole world.
The Elder Body is the governing body of NTCC and consists of its pastor and elders. The Elder Body shall manage the business affairs of NTCC, oversee all matters concerning the conduct of public worship and it shall utilize best measures for promoting the spiritual growth and evangelistic witness of the congregation. It shall receive, dismiss, and exercise discipline over the members of NTCC, supervise the activities of the Lay Pastors and all other organizations of the congregation, and have final authority over the use of church property.
A church is understood to be a fellowship of baptized believers brought together to carry out the work of Jesus Christ.
A Baptized believer is one who has been baptized and understands baptism to be a symbol of the salvation which has already been accepted in their life by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church practices baptism by immersion.
The church will observe the Lord’s Supper on a regular basis as led by the Pastor.
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act whereby the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming.
This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at a church conference called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed by the Elders or by written petition signed by twenty five percent (25%) of the resident members and duly presented to the Elders. Proposed amendments must be in written form and distributed to the membership eligible to vote at least two weeks prior to the vote. Amendments will be numbered, dated and attached to the original instrument.
Membership in the Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is open to anyone who meets the following qualifications:
A person’s membership in Narrow Trail Cowboy Church may be terminated in one of the following ways:
Each active resident member, 18 years and older, shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted for a vote at any called church conference. The right of a member to vote shall cease upon the termination of his membership in the church. Members have the right to vote on the following matters; the call of the pastor and other professional ministerial staff, the election of elders, the annual church budget, indebtedness associated with land acquisition and/or building improvements, cumulative indebtedness for all other aspects of church business that exceeds 10% of the annual church budget, the disposition of all substantial assets of the church, the merge or dissolution of the church, and any other matter submitted by the elders to the church for a vote.
SECTION 5 – PELT (Consisting of the Pastor, Elders, and Lay Pastors )
This group will meet on a regular basis to provide review, oversite, counseling and direction on the various Church activities, to the various Church Teams and Church staff members along with appropriate decision making regarding the Church’s activities. Note Sections 1,2,3 and 4 of Article II above for additional specifics on the members of Pelt.
There are two types/categories of teams; Ministry and Administrative. The Pastor, Elders, and Lay Pastors will attend a Ranch House School for training in Cowboy Church philosophies and approach. It is also highly recommended that all team leads attend a Ranch House School event or review the online curriculum at Various teams such as prayer & benevolence, Bible study – (men’s and women’s), children, youth, arena, fellowship, promotions, facilities, troops, etc. are in place to carry on the mission of NTCC. Many of these teams will have their own budget and are responsible to work within their budget. Teams should not exist for the sole purpose of having a team.
Prayer, Benevolence
Bible Groups
Women’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Youth Group
Arena Team
Any team that does not have enough people to permit it to function properly could be eliminated until it can function and serve a purpose. Teams can be established or dissolved by the Elder Body as needed.
Teams never vote. Teams work together until they reach a consensus or they table whatever they are planning until they can reach consensus. It is a ‘team’ effort. If a team must make a decision about something and cannot reach consensus then the Elders or Lay Pastors should be called on to moderate and assist the team with their decision.
Teams must hold firmly to the Mission Statement of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church and filter everything they do through the churches mission statement and will have their own Purpose Statement to help guide its directions.
The pastor shall serve as administrator of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church. He will serve as moderator at church conferences and be responsible for the daily business affairs of the church are appropriately and effectively executed.
The Trustee’s shall execute and deliver any contracts or instruments in the name of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church which may be authorized by the church body to be so executed and delivered. In this connection, the church body as a whole shall be the ultimate authority for all actions taken by NTCC and no other person, organization or officer shall have any authority to contract or otherwise bind the church without express authorization from the church body.
NTCC shall keep and maintain complete and accurate records of all financial accounts, membership list and church conference minutes at its offices. Meeting minutes will be distributed to PELT and Team Leads following church conferences. Books and records of NTCC may be inspected by any member or his agent or attorney, at any reasonable time. Any documents containing confidential information are protected by pastor / congregant confidentially.
No member, officer, or person connected with the corporation, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings of pecuniary profit from the operations of the corporation, provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person of a reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the corporation in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the church; and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon the dissolution of the corporation. All members of the church shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that upon such dissolution and conclusion of the affairs of the corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the corporation, after all debts have been satisfied, then remaining in the hands of the officers of the church shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over, in such amounts as the church may determine or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of the church, exclusively to charitable, religious, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, no member, officer, or representative of the corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by any organization exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (C)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
These Bylaws may be amended by the PELT or by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at a church conference called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed at any time during the year, not limited to reviews stated below, by an NTCC member or by written petition of 25% of the resident membership to be presented to the PELT. Proposed amendments for consideration must be in written form and distributed to the membership two weeks prior to a church conference called for this specific purpose. Amendments will be numbered, dated and attached to the original instrument.
A complete review of the bylaws will be held every five (5) years no later than June 30 of each physical year by a special seven (7) member team appointed by the PELT. This team will include at least two PELT members, and one member from the previous review to ma
[1] PELT – Pastor, Elder, Lay Pastor Team
[2] Covenanted Partner – A person or organization that NTCC seeks to partner with
Vision Statement
Revision History
Summary of changes
Original Issue
Initial Issue
March 2006
March 2006
Complete rewrite
Feb-August 2012
2013 Review
May-June 2013
2014 Review
May-June 2014
2015 Review
Oct-Nov 2015
Change number of reviewers of payments. Clarify Audit team role
July 2017
Add definition of "Active Member"
2020 Review
November 2017
Feb-Nov 2020
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church (NTCC) actively seeks creative ways to present the gospel to the western heritage community. Taking the gospel message to where these people interact outside of a church environment, as well as bring people into a non-traditional worship atmosphere.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church understands that the greatest of all spiritual gifts is love. Love expresses itself in the caring concern for others and the action it produces. How can we love God without caring for those God loves?
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church believes that doing the right thing is always right and exemplifies this by making every effort to be above reproach and also be beyond average. Therefore our integrity is one of the most recognizable values we share.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church seeks to build leaders. Through evangelism, lead the lost to Christ. Through discipleship, lead believers to fullness of faith. Through training, lead the church to missions. Through practice, lead a life of obedience to Christ.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church believes that being the body of Christ requires the participation of all parts of the body. Every member having unique gifts, talents and interests is an influence on the body.
Marriage is a biblical institution established by God as described by Scripture. We believe biblical marriage can only occur between one man and one woman. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church recognizes that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. Accordingly, NTCC, its pastors and staff will not participate in same sex unions or same sex marriages, nor shall its property or resources be used for such purposes.
The Bible teaches that legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage between a man and woman. Hence, Narrow Trail Cowboy Church opposes all forms of sexual immorality, including premarital sex, extramarital behavior, homosexual behavior, and pornography.
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church exists to reach North Texas with the life changing good news of new life in Jesus Christ, using Texas music, singers, song writers and Texas heritage.
The vision of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is to establish and perpetuate a church with a ministry to the old west culture. To create a church family of individuals who have experienced the life changing effects of a relationship with Jesus Christ. We will put our faith into action by reaching out into the Texas Music and cowboy cultures to establish relationships with the lost and share with them the good news that Jesus died for them and is longing to know them personally.
We envision a family of believers committed to making a positive impact on our culture and community by standing for biblical principles.
We have a vision of creating a place where worship is an act of the heart, soul and mind; a place where the people we are reaching out to, feel at ease; a place of spiritual comfort for the weary; a place where those who have fallen find a hand to help them up.
We have a vision of establishing a place to teach the gospel from the pulpit, in the classroom and in the arena of life.
We have a vision of teaching life skills, ministry skills, music skills and cowboy skills in an environment that supports personal as well as spiritual growth.
Under the guidelines and leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ, we the members of the Narrow Trial Cowboy Church adopt the following constitution in order to declare and preserve the principles of our faith, the freedom of our church, and rights and responsibilities of our individual members.
The name of the church, meeting at 601 E. Plano Parkway, Plano, Texas and organized under the laws of the State of Texas, is Narrow Trail Cowboy Church.
The church is organized and maintained to fulfill the following Mission Purpose Statement:
Narrow Trail Cowboy Church exists to reach North Texas with the life changing good news of new life in Jesus Christ, using Texas music and Texas heritage so that they may become developing followers of Christ.
- The church will strive to keep all things as simple as possible
- The church will foster a non-judgmental atmosphere in all it does, accepting people as they are, just as Christ does
- The church will do all it can to lower or eliminate the barriers preventing the Gospel of Jesus Christ from reaching the lost
- The church will strive to empower as many people as it can to serve Christ through the church and bring out the giftedness in them while holding them accountable for their actions and commitments
Worships God: Honors God by worshiping Him corporately, in both large and small gatherings and by maintaining private devotions
Lives by God’s Word: Understands the Bible as the ultimate authority for daily living and is involved in corporate, small groups and private Bible study
Contributes to God’s Work: Uses their time, abilities, spiritual gifts and finances for God’s glory
Connects with God’s People: Pursues Christ by honoring relationships at home, in the church, at work and in the community
Impacts God’s World: Reaches out to the lost and un-churched by praying for them, caring for and witnessing to them and inviting them to the Cowboy Church events.
This Church affirms the Holy Bible, the inspired word of God, as the authority in all matters of faith and practice. NTCC utilizes the New American Standard Bible in this Constitution and Bylaws.
Jesus Christ is the head of the Church; the true source of all that the Church is and does, and His glory is to be the objective of every act, function, and motive of the body, both individually and corporately. It is before Him that all the other leadership must bow. He communicates His will for the Church through His word, the Bible. He gives additional guidance by means of the specific leading of the Holy Spirit who dwells the heart of each believer. He calls forth leaders for the Church to whom He gives responsibility for the oversight of the church body and the shepherding of its members. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is run by Elder Rule.
The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose its membership. Persons meeting the membership requirements shall constitute the membership.
All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall exist to further the purpose of the church. They will be accountable to the church.
As an autonomous local church, NTCC is not subject to the control of any ecclesiastical body. However, it relates to and cooperates with the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches, the Baptist General Convention of Texas and other entities of like faith in sharing the gospel with the whole world.
The Elder Body is the governing body of NTCC and consists of its pastor and elders. The Elder Body shall manage the business affairs of NTCC, oversee all matters concerning the conduct of public worship and it shall utilize best measures for promoting the spiritual growth and evangelistic witness of the congregation. It shall receive, dismiss, and exercise discipline over the members of NTCC, supervise the activities of the Lay Pastors and all other organizations of the congregation, and have final authority over the use of church property.
A church is understood to be a fellowship of baptized believers brought together to carry out the work of Jesus Christ.
A Baptized believer is one who has been baptized and understands baptism to be a symbol of the salvation which has already been accepted in their life by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Narrow Trail Cowboy Church practices baptism by immersion.
The church will observe the Lord’s Supper on a regular basis as led by the Pastor.
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act whereby the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming.
This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at a church conference called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed by the Elders or by written petition signed by twenty five percent (25%) of the resident members and duly presented to the Elders. Proposed amendments must be in written form and distributed to the membership eligible to vote at least two weeks prior to the vote. Amendments will be numbered, dated and attached to the original instrument.
Membership in the Narrow Trail Cowboy Church is open to anyone who meets the following qualifications:
- A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
- Believer's baptism after faith in Christ as a testimony of salvation.
- Letter: Candidates who are members in good standing of another church of like faith and order may acquire a letter of membership from the previous church.
- Statement: Candidates who have previously been members of another church of like faith and order, but are unable to obtain a letter of membership from said church, may join by affirming that they are baptized (immersed) believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, holding to the historic teachings of Christianity and desiring membership in NTCC. Members joining by statement of faith that hold membership in another church are responsible for notifying their former church of their new membership in Narrow Trail Cowboy Church.
- Baptism: Candidates accepting Christ as their Savior and requesting Christian baptism by immersion will be accepted as members upon baptism. All candidates for membership shall give a verbal testimony of the conversion, baptism and walk with Christ to a pastor or elder.
A person’s membership in Narrow Trail Cowboy Church may be terminated in one of the following ways:
- Death
- Letter: A letter of transfer for any member in good standing shall be granted to any church of like faith and order upon request from said church or member.
- Exclusion: If a member conducts themselves in a manner which brings the name of Christ and NTCC into disrepute or is found to be undermining Church unity. It will be the responsibility of the elders under the guidance of the pastor to attempt to restore the member in a spirit of love according to the guidelines set forth in Matthew 18:15-17.
- If the member fails to respond positively to these attempts, exclusion will require a unanimous vote of the elder body and a written account signed by the elder body outlining the process laid out in Matthew 18:15-17 that they followed with the member. This written account will be available to said member upon request.
- Erasure: If a member requests erasure or offers proof of membership in a church of another denomination, his name will be removed from the roll.
Each active resident member, 18 years and older, shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted for a vote at any called church conference. The right of a member to vote shall cease upon the termination of his membership in the church. Members have the right to vote on the following matters; the call of the pastor and other professional ministerial staff, the election of elders, the annual church budget, indebtedness associated with land acquisition and/or building improvements, cumulative indebtedness for all other aspects of church business that exceeds 10% of the annual church budget, the disposition of all substantial assets of the church, the merge or dissolution of the church, and any other matter submitted by the elders to the church for a vote.
- Interim Pastor – An interim pastor may be called by the Elder body as needed for an indeterminate length of time.
- Call: Upon the pastor’s termination, a church conference will be called and a search team of 3 to 4 members will be nominated. This team will seek out and evaluate prospective pastoral candidates until they have achieved complete and unanimous decision on a single candidate. They will set a time and date for the candidate to be received by the church. On that date, a church conference shall be called and after a full discussion, a vote will be taken by secret ballot. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the church members present and voting is required to extend a call. If a call is not extended by the church to the candidate, or if the candidate declines to accept, then the pastor search team will begin a new search and come before the church with a second recommendation. This method will proceed until a pastor is secured.
- Duties: The pastor shall be the spiritual leader of the congregation. In the capacity, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, he shall preach and teach the word of God, lead the church in regular worship services, administer the ordinances of the church, serve as moderator at church conferences, provide leadership to the ministerial staff, and generally fulfill all his pastoral duties as set forth in Scripture. (1st Timothy 3:1-7 (NASB))
- Termination: The pastor’s duties with the church may be terminated by his resignation, death, or dismissal. Such dismissal will require three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present and voting at a called church conference. The moderator for such a meeting will be a disinterested third party appointed by the elders. If circumstances warrant, the pastor may be dismissed at the unanimous decision of the elders (excluding the pastor) if found to be immoral, unbiblical, or unethical, in accordance with Scripture forgoing a church conference.
- Call: Professional ministerial staff sufficient for fulfilling the church’s mission will be employed by the church. Such ministerial staff will require three-fourths (3/4) vote of the congregation upon the recommendation of the search team.
- Duties: Professional ministerial staff persons will have specific and written job descriptions as outlined by the pastor and Personnel Team.
- Termination: The service of professional ministerial staff persons may be terminated by their resignation, death, or a three-fourths (3/4) vote of members present at a church conference called by the elder body for that purpose.
- Exceptions: A spouse or family member of the pastor or professional ministerial staff cannot serve as paid or volunteer staff including but not limited to church clerk, church secretary or church finance secretary, or serve on the finance or audit teams.
- Purpose and Function: Elders shall serve to provide spiritual leadership and accountability to NTCC in accordance with scripture. They will provide a brotherhood of support and accountability for the pastor, assist the ministry teams with difficult issues, serve as arbiters in matters of conflict or church discipline, and in general provide spiritual leadership, guidance and assistance and perform any other ministerial functions of the pastor. The elder body shall be made up of three elected elders plus the pastor, who is also an elder.
- Qualifications: Because elders may be called on to handle the weightiest matters of the church, they should above all be men filled with wisdom, love and the Holy Spirit. All elders must meet the Biblical qualifications set forth in 1st Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
- Selection: On or about November 1st of each year, the membership of NTCC will be asked to submit in writing the names of men to serve as elders. These names will be screened by the pastor and existing elders to assure that the nominees meet the qualifications set forth above. If it is determined that a nominee is qualified, his name will be placed before the church as a candidate. However, if the elders, pastor, or nominee determine that he is not qualified, then he will not be a candidate.
- Duties: Are committed to the Pastor. Elders act as a buffer between the Pastor and his critics; they also are an accountability group for the pastor, prayer partners for the pastor and friends of the pastor. Elders are to meet with the pastor on a consistent regular basis for consultation, prayer, and fellowship.
- Terms of Office: All terms will be three years and only one new elder is to be elected each year. Once a list of qualified candidates has been assembled, an election will be held on the 3rd Sunday of December of each year. The candidates’ names shall be placed on a secret ballot and those church members present shall be asked to vote for a qualified candidate. The candidate receiving the most votes will serve three years as an elder unless precluded by death, resignation or removal. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, there shall be a run off between the top two vote getters; also on the 3rd Sunday of December. The new Elder will take office at the start of the fiscal year. After an Elder has rotated off for one year he will be eligible to be a candidate for Elder again if it is determined he is still qualified.
- Removal: Any member of NTCC may bring a written scriptural reason for removal of an elder. Elders may be removed from office by their own decision or by consensus decision of the other elders. Removal shall be based upon being spiritually unqualified or the inability to serve. (Refer to 3.H)
- Elder vacancies can occur by death, resignation or removal. When a vacancy occurs, the existing elders may elect an interim to fill the vacancy until the next election. Upon the next election a permanent Elder will be voted in to fulfill the remaining term of the vacating Elder and an Elder to fulfill the normal rotation schedule will also be voted in.
- Confidentiality: All discussions between the elders are strictly confidential; this includes not discussing elder issues with the spouses of elders or other church members. Breaking confidentiality is grounds for removal. Elders do not meet without all the elders present including the pastor if this is possible.
- Purpose and Function: Lay pastors shall serve as an extension of the ministry of the pastor and in that capacity may serve as ex-officio members of teams, administer the ordinances of the church, assist in leading worship, announcements, prayer requests, assisting in baptism, and generally perform any other ministerial function of the pastor with his approval or at his request.
- Qualifications: Since lay pastors represent the ministry of the pastor, they should be beyond reproach and striving to meet the Biblical qualifications set forth in 1st Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
- Selection: Lay pastors shall be appointed as needed by the pastor and/or elders.
- Duties: Each lay pastor will have specific responsibilities as assigned by the pastor. A Lay Pastor is also assigned to work with specific teams to function as a liaison between the team and elder body. Lay Pastors should not be assigned as liaison to a team led by their spouse or family member.
- Term of Office: Lay Pastors will be appointed to three year terms, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the pastor, the elders and the lay pastor involved.
- Confidentiality – All discussions between the lay pastors are strictly confidential; this includes not discussing lay pastor issues with the spouses of lay pastors or other church members. Breaking confidentiality is grounds for removal. Lay pastors do not meet without all the lay pastors present if this is possible.
SECTION 5 – PELT (Consisting of the Pastor, Elders, and Lay Pastors )
This group will meet on a regular basis to provide review, oversite, counseling and direction on the various Church activities, to the various Church Teams and Church staff members along with appropriate decision making regarding the Church’s activities. Note Sections 1,2,3 and 4 of Article II above for additional specifics on the members of Pelt.
There are two types/categories of teams; Ministry and Administrative. The Pastor, Elders, and Lay Pastors will attend a Ranch House School for training in Cowboy Church philosophies and approach. It is also highly recommended that all team leads attend a Ranch House School event or review the online curriculum at Various teams such as prayer & benevolence, Bible study – (men’s and women’s), children, youth, arena, fellowship, promotions, facilities, troops, etc. are in place to carry on the mission of NTCC. Many of these teams will have their own budget and are responsible to work within their budget. Teams should not exist for the sole purpose of having a team.
Prayer, Benevolence
Bible Groups
Women’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Youth Group
Arena Team
Any team that does not have enough people to permit it to function properly could be eliminated until it can function and serve a purpose. Teams can be established or dissolved by the Elder Body as needed.
Teams never vote. Teams work together until they reach a consensus or they table whatever they are planning until they can reach consensus. It is a ‘team’ effort. If a team must make a decision about something and cannot reach consensus then the Elders or Lay Pastors should be called on to moderate and assist the team with their decision.
Teams must hold firmly to the Mission Statement of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church and filter everything they do through the churches mission statement and will have their own Purpose Statement to help guide its directions.
- Purpose and Function: Ministry teams shall be organized to carry out the specialized ministries of NTCC. Each ministry team shall have specific functions and responsibilities as approved by the pastor and/or elders in accordance with Narrow Trail Cowboy Church mission statement and purpose.
- Structure: Ministry teams will consist of an appropriate number of people organized to carry out a necessary ministry or function of NTCC. Each team member will have individual functions and responsibilities as assigned by the team. A staff member, lay pastor or elder will be assigned to each team to offer assistance and serve as a liaison between the team and PELT[1]. One member of the team shall be designated to be team leader and to be reviewed by PELT and will be responsible for ensuring that the team functions properly. Teams will function by consensus. This means that teams must arrive at decisions that can be supported by the team. If consensus cannot be reached, the matter shall either be tabled or placed before PELT for moderation and assistance in reaching a final decision.
- Staff Member: A person assigned to work with another team as an oversight person to assist the lead and to have input to the PELT should it be necessary.
- Qualifications: Team members must be members or covenanted partners[2] of NTCC in good standing, love the Lord and have a desire to see His kingdom grow, have credibility with other church members, have a passion for the mission of the team, be determined to make the team a priority in their activities and commitments and desire to use their talents and abilities to accomplish the team’s mission. Team leaders should be prominent members of the church who demonstrate leadership and commitment through regular attendance and a genuine desire to be involved.
- Ministry teams are formed as appropriate with the approval of the elder body.
- Ministry Teams will consist of:
- Prayer/Benevolence Team: The Benevolence Team exists for the purpose to do good and perform kind, charitable acts of mercy and good will to those in the church body with physical, emotional or other like needs with a variety of actions.
- Bible Groups
- Men’s Ministry: The Narrow Trail Men’s Ministry will meet regularly purposing to become godly men exercising their spiritual gifts to edify the church. Through bible study and prayer the men’s ministry will strive to meet the needs of the men of NTCC. The ultimate goal of the men’s ministry is reach out with a culturally relevant message to our city, our state and the rest of the world with the message of what the “Narrow Trail” is all about
- Women’s Ministry: Women’s Ministry mission is to meet the spiritual needs of women at NTCC and within the community. Through culturally relevant ministry (western), this team will seek to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ; develop and strengthen their intimate friendships with other Christian women; and to provide opportunities to serve and reach the community for Christ.
- Children’s Church: Purpose Statement: To minister both unsaved and saved children (ages 4-12) according to God’s Word, the Bible; using scripture, games, songs, visual Bible stories, arts and crafts, etc. The Bible is God’s Law and Word, the only truth.
- Youth Group (age 12-18): The mission of NTCC youth group is to provide young Christians with the tools, support and knowledge to strengthen their faith and understanding of Christianity. We believe this is best achieved through structured Bible studies, mission/community work and interactive group activities. It is also important that we provide a safe, nurturing environment for these foresaid things to take place. Ultimately we pray that our efforts develop strong, God focused young adults, which will show others our path in Christianity.
- Fellowship: Foster closer Christian fellowship amongst members of the church by sharing a common purpose through social activities. They include, but are not limited to: fellowship lunches, ice cream socials, book sales, picnics, and participation in local parades.
- Chuck Wagon: The Chuck Wagon Cooking Team is for men and women who enjoy church fellowships, preparing food for area emergencies and collecting can goods for the area shelters.
- Music: The music team provides scheduling, planning, organization and equipping of all music and entertainment for Narrow Trail Cowboy Church. Expenses primarily are paying talent to perform at church. Also, the budget includes purchasing and maintaining of all sound equipment.
- Arena Team: The Arena team shall be responsible for the oversight, care, maintenance, and use of the arena whether on site or leased (if leased they will be responsible for the facility throughout the term of the lease). They will work with the Leadership Team (see Section 3 below) as well as other ministry teams to develop strategies and plan events that will utilize the arena to effectively reach the cowboy/ western culture for Christ and provide the hub for family life in the church
- Bible Studies
- Men’s, Women’s and Co-Ed Bible Studies: Bible Studies are to help meet the spiritual needs of both men and women at NTCC while helping them to become godly men and women.
- Terms of Office and Selection: Members of ministry teams may be suggested by the pastor and/or elders or be enlisted by an Elder or Lay Pastor or ministry team leader. Ordinarily members will be enlisted by the team leader or lay pastor directly responsible for the team. The term of office for ministry team lead shall be two years, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the team and lay pastor involved.
- Removal: If a team member causes conflict, fails to carry out their responsibility to the team, or otherwise hampers the work of the team, every effort should be made by the team and assigned Elder or Lay Pastor to rectify the issue in a positive redemptive manner. However, if the problem persists, a team member may be removed by unanimous decision of the elder body, or by unanimous decision of the other team members.
- Purpose and Function: Administrative/Business teams shall provide oversight of NTCC’s regular business affairs and assist in finding and providing the tangible resources necessary to effectively carry out NTCC’s ministries.
- Structure: Administrative teams consist of an appropriate number of people organized to carry out a necessary ministry or function of NTCC. Each team member will have individual functions and responsibilities as assigned by the team. A staff member, lay pastor or elder will be assigned to each team to offer assistance and serve as a liaison between the team and the elder body. One member of the team shall be designated to be team leader, to be reviewed by PELT, and will be responsible for assuring that the team functions properly. Teams will function by consensus. This means that teams must arrive at decisions that can be supported by the team. If consensus cannot be reached, the matter shall either be tabled or placed before the PELT for mediation and assistance in reaching a final decision.
- Qualifications: Qualifications for administrative team members will be the same as those of general ministry team members (Bylaws, Article III, Section I, Item C).
- Administrative Teams: The teams of NTCC shall be:
- Personnel Team and/or PELT: The Personnel Team and/or PELT will work with NTCC leadership to provide adequate support staff to effectively carry out its ministries. They will fill staff vacancies as needed or as directed by the church, conduct periodic staff evaluations, make salary recommendations, and mediate church/staff disputes.
- Facility Team: The Facility Team will be responsible to aid and assist NTCC has adequate facilities to effectively carry out its ministries. They will oversee the care, maintenance and use of all facilities and grounds except the arena. They will also assist the pastor and elders with long range planning which will assure that NTCC has adequate facilities to meet future needs.
- Finance Team: The Finance Team will be responsible to aid and assist NTCC has adequate financial resources to effectively carry out its ministries. They shall work cooperatively with the pastor, elders, lay pastors, professional staff and team leaders to find maximum resources for meeting each ministry need. They shall also be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget, for the oversight and accounting of all financial records and for assisting the pastor and elders with long term planning.
- Audit Team: The Audit Team shall maintain an operating procedures document which will constitute a part of these by-laws. The Audit Team procedures document will be subject to the same review and approval processes as the remainder of these by-laws.
- Service Team: The NTCC Service Team exists to perform all tasks related to setting up, facilitating, and taking down all items necessary to conduct the Sunday Worship Service. Duties consist of opening the building, setting up all tables and chairs, setting up the stage, making coffee, tea & water, putting out banners, songbooks, setting up and serving refreshments, and setting up for communion and baptisms as necessary. During the service, all beverages and supplies must be kept available, food and dishes cleared, and the facilities cleaned. After service, everything used must be put away and all trash etc. emptied so the facilities can be returned to original condition and ready to open for business.
- Promotions Team: The team will utilize multi-media to promote and further the NTCC mission and name. This medium will include, but not limited to, Sunday bulletins, NTCC website, upload of Sunday service video and the sale of church logoed merchandise.
- Troops: The Troop Box Team mission is to extend the support and love of the Narrow Trail Cowboy Church to our service men/women who serve and are defending our nation and our freedom. By sending an assortment of toiletries, small food items, and uplifting literature, we at NTCC demonstrate to our service people that their faith in, and sacrifice for our country is greatly appreciated by those back home.
- Term of Office and Selection: Members of administrative teams may be suggested by the pastor and/or elders or be enlisted by a lay pastor or administrative team leader. Ordinarily members will be enlisted by the team leader or liaison directly responsible for the team. The term of office for administrative team’s leads shall be two years, but may serve multiple terms by mutual consent of the team and liaison.
- Removal: if a team member causes conflict, fails to carry out their responsibility to the team, or otherwise hampers the work of the team, every effort should be made by the team and assigned liaison to rectify the issues in a positive redemptive manner. However, if the problem persists, a team member may be removed by the unanimous decision of the other team members or elder body.
- Purpose and Function: The Leadership Team will serve to provide a forum in which the various team leads can brainstorm, coordinate activities and events, share resources and generally work together to enhance the overall effectiveness of NTCC’s ministries. It will be responsible for setting the church calendar.
- Structure: The Leadership Team will consist of the team lead from each team, the pastor, the elders, the lay pastors and staff. In addition, its meetings will be open to the participation and input of the entire church. The leadership may meet in closed meetings but this will not take the place of the monthly leadership team meeting which is open to the congregation. Leadership team meetings shall be moderated by the pastor or a person who the pastor shall designate.
- Meetings: The Leadership Team will meet at a minimum of once a month or as often as necessary to effectively plan and coordinate the activities and events of NTCC. Team leads or a designated delegate should be in attendance at all leadership team meetings.
- PELT Meeting: The PELT team will meet a minimum of once per month.
The pastor shall serve as administrator of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church. He will serve as moderator at church conferences and be responsible for the daily business affairs of the church are appropriately and effectively executed.
- Purpose and Function: Elders shall act in this capacity. Trustees have authority to sign the title to church property; all legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or rental of property; all notes and loan instruments; and such other legal documents as may require execution on behalf of the church. There shall be a minimum of three trustees.
- Selection and Term of Office: Elders may also appoint up to three trustees who will serve a three year term with one rotating off annually.
- Removal: A trustee may be removed by death, resignation or consensus decision of the elders.
- Purpose and Function: The church clerk shall serve as secretary of the organization. The responsibilities of the clerk will be to keep the minutes of all church conferences, maintain a proper file of all members, and work with the finance team in preparation of an annual report.
- Selection and Term of Office: As a paid staff position it shall be filled and maintained by the PELT.
- Removal: A clerk/secretary may be removed by death, resignation or consensus decision of the elders.
- Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the church will be on a calendar year basis beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year.
- Accounting Procedures: A system of accounting that will adequately provide the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the Finance Team. Designated funds shall be reviewed annually by the Finance Team and distributed as appropriate.
- Budget: The Finance Team, in consultation with the pastor and team leaders shall prepare and submit a budget for the congregation approval prior to the beginning of the second quarter.
- Checks, Drafts, etc.: All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of monies, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the church require two signatures. Up to five individuals may be designated by the Trustees for that purpose. The pastor or pastor’s spouse or other relations with potential conflict of interest may not serve as check signers.
- Deposits: All funds of the church shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of NTCC in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as determined by the Finance Team.
- Expenditures - Team leads have the authority to spend up to their approved designated annual team budget. The Elders, by consensus can approve expenditures up to 10% of the annual church budget. Expenditures over 10% must be approved by three fourths (3/4) vote of the church members present at a church conference called for that purpose.
- Church Conferences: Church conferences may be called by the elders or by written petition of 25% of the active resident members presented to the elders.
- Notices: Notices of the time and place of all church conferences shall be given not later than the Sunday prior to such meeting. These may be by publication in the church newsletter, worship bulletin or by public announcement at the regular Sunday morning worship service. Amendments however will require a minimum of two weeks’ notice.
- Place of Church Conferences: All church conferences shall be held on the premises of the church if reasonably possible or another convenient location with sufficient formal notice when necessary.
- Quorum: The church members present at any duly called church conference shall constitute a quorum.
- Proxies: Voting by proxy at any church conference shall be allowed or recognized in written form presented to the PELT in advance of that vote.
- Rule and Procedure: The order of proceedings at church conferences shall be determined by the rules of practice contained in Robert’s Rule of Order, Revised.
- Conduct of NTCC Business: All business of the NTCC shall be conducted in a manner that honors Christ and respects others. NTCC shall strive to seek the will of God by prayerful deliberation and common consensus.
The Trustee’s shall execute and deliver any contracts or instruments in the name of Narrow Trail Cowboy Church which may be authorized by the church body to be so executed and delivered. In this connection, the church body as a whole shall be the ultimate authority for all actions taken by NTCC and no other person, organization or officer shall have any authority to contract or otherwise bind the church without express authorization from the church body.
NTCC shall keep and maintain complete and accurate records of all financial accounts, membership list and church conference minutes at its offices. Meeting minutes will be distributed to PELT and Team Leads following church conferences. Books and records of NTCC may be inspected by any member or his agent or attorney, at any reasonable time. Any documents containing confidential information are protected by pastor / congregant confidentially.
No member, officer, or person connected with the corporation, or any other private individual shall receive at any time any of the net earnings of pecuniary profit from the operations of the corporation, provided that this shall not prevent the payment to any such person of a reasonable compensation for services rendered to or for the corporation in effecting any of its purposes as shall be fixed by the church; and no such person or persons shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon the dissolution of the corporation. All members of the church shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that upon such dissolution and conclusion of the affairs of the corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the assets of the corporation, after all debts have been satisfied, then remaining in the hands of the officers of the church shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, delivered, and paid over, in such amounts as the church may determine or as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application of the church, exclusively to charitable, religious, or educational organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, no member, officer, or representative of the corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by any organization exempt under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (C)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.
These Bylaws may be amended by the PELT or by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at a church conference called for that purpose. Amendments may be proposed at any time during the year, not limited to reviews stated below, by an NTCC member or by written petition of 25% of the resident membership to be presented to the PELT. Proposed amendments for consideration must be in written form and distributed to the membership two weeks prior to a church conference called for this specific purpose. Amendments will be numbered, dated and attached to the original instrument.
A complete review of the bylaws will be held every five (5) years no later than June 30 of each physical year by a special seven (7) member team appointed by the PELT. This team will include at least two PELT members, and one member from the previous review to ma
[1] PELT – Pastor, Elder, Lay Pastor Team
[2] Covenanted Partner – A person or organization that NTCC seeks to partner with
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Abuse and Harassment Prevention Policy | |
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